Bell and corporations like Bell have overseen the assembly of local media assets that are treasures to local communities. They bought them up like 'corporate vampires.' They sucked the life out of them, laying off journalists. They have overseen the 'encrapification' of local news by lyaing off journalists. And now, they say "it's now no longer economnically viable to run these local radio stations", "it's now no longer economnically viable to have investigative news", and they were allowed to do this. The impact on commnities in British Columbia of their unrestrained corporate greed: they made almost 3 billion dollars last year. It is profound.

The fact that they cannot find it possible with all of their MBAs to operate a few local news stations in British Columnia to ensure that people get accurate, impartial, reliable information in an age of disinformation and social media craziness is such an abandonment of any idea of corporate responsibility. I find it reprehensible. I think it's appalling, and Bell and other companies like Bell that have done this need to be held accountable for the information atmosphere that we find ourselves in today. On behalf of all of the families of journalists, the media outlets, on behalf of all British Columbians that have watched their local news stations slowly turn to garbage by these companies who now say unsurprisingly that there is not a lot of support for them, I just want to say shame on you.

Shame on you and I call on the Federal government to stop this assembly of media properties that are not actually properties to the local communities they serve. They are an indispensible source of information. Thank you.

— B.C. Premier David Eby